Category Urticaria

17 Sep

Executive measures after diagnosis of nasal sinus allergy and polyps

a cold Viral rhinitis It rises gradually in the first 3 days, decreases within the next 3 days, and disappears up to 3 days later, so the duration of the period is not more than 4 days to 10 days. Only 2% of colds become bacterial sinus infections Viral rhinosinusitis In the case of viral […]


17 Sep

Rinsing the nose with gargle

Nasal wash You can use a net container or special bottles made for this purpose to clean the nasal cavities from thick mucus and pollutants. Salt water solution can also be used. The water used must be distilled and sterile, previously boiled or filtered to remove particles. What is meant by rinsing the nose with […]


17 Sep

Different stages of asthma Occasionally 1 Under twice a week, symptoms should be good after at least 6 weeks Life saving consumption Getting up at night twice a month Normal activity between attacks Healthy lung band between attacks Recurrence 0 to 1 time per year For exercise-induced asthma, it is sufficient to take Montelukast or […]


17 Sep

Why is total abstinence so important in asthma and allergies?

Why is abstinence important? In order to better manage your treatment, it is necessary to try prevention as much as possible because there is a direct relationship between the volume of contact with allergens and stimuli and the severity of disease symptoms.  The main problem is not the belief in the importance of abstinence, but […]


17 Sep

Nasal Spray

When using nasal spray, you should pay attention to important points that must be followed First , it should be kept vertically. If the spray is compressed obliquely or horizontally, an effective puff will not come out of it. Second , the medicine should be sprayed directly parallel to the outer wall of the inside of the […]


17 Sep

Why is food allergy important to us?

In the past decades, people with food allergies have increased so that 4% of adults and 8% of children are involved in food allergies.  In this case, there are more children The worst thing in the medical world is anaphylactic shock, and the most common cause of anaphylactic shock is severe food allergy. In adults, […]


17 Sep

Accusation of food allergy

Food allergy is related to the food itself and structural problems, lack of enzymes, not pharmacological. For example, people eat food that is contaminated with heavy metals or insecticides that have been sprayed on the food, or dairy products that have been taken from a cattle farm that has used a lot of penicillin. At […]


17 Sep

What does food allergy go through?

Allergies in children In children, especially cow’s milk allergy, which is more common in the first year of life, very good news for families whose children are allergic to cow’s milk and dairy products.  Even eggs, soybeans, wheat, flour, these major items cause skin problems and most of them are resolved after 3 to 4 […]


17 Sep

The cause of food allergy

Reasons such as hereditary causes, genetics, people who were born by caesarean section, lack of vitamin D, excessive use of antibiotics, disturbing the nutritional balance, lack of fiber can cause food allergies. Food allergy should not be caused, first of all, do not eat food until 6 months, breast milk is enough for 4 months. […]


17 Sep

Repeat Diagnostic Prick Test

As a rule, at the age of 3 to 5 years, a person’s sensitivity to foods may change, especially in children, and it is possible that a food that has an allergy even if an allergy to another food occurs, we should test new foods such as fresh food, especially For a person who has […]