Category Urticaria

17 Sep


Sinusitis means inflammation of the sinuses, which usually occurs as a result of viral, bacterial or fungal infections. Sinuses are hollow areas in the skull that are filled with air. Among the parts where the sinuses are located are : forehead nasal bone Cheeks and under the eyes, he pointed. Healthy sinuses are filled with air […]


17 Sep

Allergy to pets

Especially in the last decade, we have seen an increase in the keeping of pets, such as dogs, cats, mice, hamsters, all kinds of birds, or aquatic animals such as fish, turtles, etc. But to what extent are these animals and animals allergenic? Apart from the health issue, from the point of view of allergies , […]


17 Sep

Be Kind to your Skin

You must have heard that your parents are surprised to talk about the dryness of the skin of their hands and face and say that they never had to use moisturizer when they were young. Especially middle-aged and elderly men who don’t feel good about greasing their hands, face or other parts of their skin; […]


17 Sep

Healthy eating tips

Healthy eating tips: From a scientific point of view, no superior diet has been found except for the Mediterranean diet, which doctors usually agree is healthy and comprehensive, but the principles of a healthy and balanced diet are known. Every regime that claims “superiority” has “exaggerated” its “claim”. If you don’t have a disease or […]


17 Sep

Eczema treatment

In addition to treating eczema with home remedies, some simple lifestyle changes can go a long way in reducing eczema symptoms. Reduce stress : have enough rest, have fun and relax and get rid of negative thoughts. Hot water shower is very effective in achieving relaxation. Use hypoallergenic and weak hygiene and cosmetic products. Always keep […]


17 Sep

Infant Eczema

Eczema in babies and treatment methods Eczema is a skin disease in babies that appears in different ways and has different causes. Who said that children’s skin is always soft and fresh and they don’t have any skin problems? If this was the case, no child would experience dryness and inflammation of the skin, and […]


17 Sep

The difference between Flu and Cold

“Allergic rhinitis” is the same as “seasonal or persistent allergy” or “hay fever”. In this disease, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory airways and nose is inflamed, which causes the affected person to suffer from sensitizing agents (allergens) sneeze Runny and stuffy nose Itchy eyes, throat and nose Watery and red eyes And in […]


17 Sep

Eradication of bed bugs

Eradication of bed bugs Bed bugs are nocturnal insects that, like mosquitoes, continue to live by sucking the blood of humans. These insects are reddish-brown in color and resemble a flat cockroach. Their bodies can be between one and five millimeters long and they cannot fly. Bed bugs can live up to a year, but […]


17 Sep

Diaper Dermatitis

diaper dermatitis Diaper dermatitis or diaper rash is a type of skin damage that affects the groin area, under the stomach, upper thighs and buttocks. Diaper rash includes many skin abnormalities that affect babies, children, and paralyzed and immobile people. This condition is more common in infants and children under 2 years old. This condition […]


17 Sep

Dermatitis Pompholyx

Causes of Dermatitis Pompholyx People who have bullous or dyshidrotic dermatitis are genetically predisposed to it. Bullous dermatitis often occurs during times of stress. Treatment of dermatitis pompholyx One of the most effective natural treatments is a product called ClearSkin-E cream that can eliminate bumps. Skin protection is an important part of treatment. Protect your […]