Canker Sores

Oral pests are divided into two types.

The first type of oral thrush is called simple, this type of oral thrush occurs 3 to 4 times a year and lasts for up to 1 week.

The second type of canker sore is complicated, this type of canker sore is more unusual and occurs mostly in people who have had this disease before.

Cause of mouth sores

The main cause of mouth ulcers is unknown.

It seems that stress or oral tissue damage are the main causes of simple mouth ulcers.

Some special foods such as citrus fruits or fruits containing acid such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, apples, figs, tomatoes and strawberries can cause mouth sores or make mouth ulcers worse.

In addition, brushing too hard may cause mouth ulcers.

Sometimes the sharpness of the teeth or the tools used for the mouth can cause mouth ulcers. 

Some cases of complicated mouth ulcers occur due to illness and other basic problems such as immune system disorders or due to nutritional problems such as vitamin B-12, zinc and folic acid deficiency. 

Gastrointestinal diseases, such as celiac disease and Crohn’s disease, can also be the cause of this disease.

Are oral thrush and herpes the same?

Although cold sores are often confused with canker sores, they are not the same.

Herpes, also known as herpes simplex type 1, is a group of fluid-filled blisters that are painful.

Unlike plague, cold sores are caused by a virus and are highly contagious.

In addition, cold sores generally appear outside the mouth, while canker sores occur inside the mouth.

What are the symptoms of mouth ulcers?

Pests usually appear on the inner surfaces of the lips, tongue, roof of the mouth and the bottom of the gums. Their symptoms include:

  • One or more painful and red spots that gradually turn into ulcers, their centers are white or yellow, they are small, and when they start to heal, they turn gray.

Unusual symptoms include:

  • Fever, general discomfort or restlessness (lethargy), swelling of the lymph nodes.

The pain usually disappears after 7 to 10 days and it takes about 3 weeks for the sores to heal completely.

Bigger pests take longer to heal.

Treatment of canker sores

In most cases, canker sores heal without specific treatment. Try not to eat spicy, spicy and hot foods during the period of this problem so that your pain does not increase.

You can use painkillers to reduce pain. Other treatments include:

  • Wash your mouth with mouthwash or salt water (a little salt).
  • Mix some hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water, dip a cotton ball in this solution and leave it on the wound for a day. Then apply a little magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia) on it and repeat this 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Swish the mixture of milk of magnesium and liquid Benedryl in your mouth for one minute and then spit it out.

For more severe and complex cases, it is necessary to visit a doctor and dentist and use special drugs. If your pest does not improve within one or two weeks, see a doctor or dentist.

Prevention of mouth ulcers

Although medical pests usually occur several times a year and there is no way to stop them completely, but by observing the following, you can reduce the number of pests per year, these include:

  1. Avoiding foods that inflame the mouth, such as citrus fruits and acidic fruits (sour fruits).
  2. Avoid chewing gum when it causes inflammation
  3. Use a soft toothbrush and floss your teeth every day.