Skin oitments

Types of ointments

Antibiotic Corteni and… Basic fat materials: mineral fat like paraffin, mineral fat is generally a better blocker than other types that provide more protection and are washed much later with water. Animal fat like lanolin and esrin, which have water absorption So they also contain water.

The presence of this water in the fat makes it less sticky and more beautiful and more pleasant and easier to use. Vegetable fat such as olive oil, almond, sunflower oil.

What is a worm?

These products are a type of ointment that fades gradually and have more water than normal ointments and give a cool feeling to the skin. They are transparent and almost invisible. The patient can easily use them during the day. These creams are called daily Makram or moisturizing creams, which both protect the skin with an impermeable layer of fat that blocks and absorb moisture. The creams themselves are a base for Sunscreens, antibiotics, and retinoic acid, if the creams contain more fat, night creams say that they are no longer self-dissolving, but they are both moisturizing and greasing, and due to the longer shelf life of nourishing creams, they say that some creams are completely clean. because they have more water


Any liquid product can be called a lotion, which is both a solution, a suspension, and an emulsion, which is a combination of a powder and a liquid, in which glycerol is the main component. An example is calamine lotion, which is anti-itching.

skin types

Dry skin
has less shine, pores are hard to see, they have little elasticity, the skin is scaly and cracked

Oily skin
in certain areas, the skin becomes oily, such as the chin, forehead, where the skin is shiny, oily to the touch, the pores are large and visible, and acne occurs at a young age.

Normal skin
is neither oily nor dry, soft and slightly moist, and few pores can be seen

Combination skin
is a normal type that is only oily on the forehead, nose and chin because these areas have sebaceous glands (T-zone).

The normal skin
of these people should be moisturized with a minimum fat base, and especially in the T-zone of the face, which has sebum, it should not be used, and it does not leave the skin’s natural fat at all. The skin’s water should evaporate. which preserves water and contains substances such as urea, lactic acid, pyruvic acid, malic acid, glycolic acid, etc.


There are two types and most of them are a combination of the 
first two modes: Blockers. 
Second: Moisture attraction. 
If we want to retain water, we use fatty and blocking materials, which by strengthening the lipid layer will reduce the evaporation of the existing water. It is better after Take a bath or wash it gently with a towel so that a little water remains on the skin (try it) and then use this blocker. Examples of blockers are petroleum jelly or paraffin, which are the best, then animal ointment such as lanolin, which is made from sheep’s wool. And finally, herbal blockers such as olive oil, oat oil, sesame seed oil, and almonds are not accepted by patients, so they take them in the form of creams or lotions to make the water more acceptable, although it is interesting at first. because the water in it evaporates quickly and the same fat remains to keep the real water inside the skin, 
if we want to absorb water, the moisture attraction is used. Whether they penetrate the stratum corneum or not, they absorb water. Macromolecules that cannot penetrate, such as hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen, whether in healthy skin or even in a material such as lanolin, we have blocking effects as well as the effect of moisture attraction.


Salts of fatty acids are called soaps, which are normal fatty acids such as stearic acid, palmitic acid, olenic acid, myristic acid, and lauric acid, which have animal or vegetable sources.
Cosmetic or normal soaps
are also called hard soaps, which are sodium salts of acids. There are above that the pollution substances on the surface of the skin that cannot be cleaned with water, these salts go around that pollution and by encircling and forming micelles, they are then cleaned with water.

Disadvantages of ordinary soaps:
Replacing sodium with calcium or magnesium in household water causes the formation of sticky and insoluble substances that do not remove the pollution and remain dirty, and even cause irritation and inflammation 
. It is known that even the healthiest skin takes 1-2 hours to normalize the pH

Synthetic (non-traditional) soaps
are by-products of oil distillation, such as surfactants or surface active substances, which are interestingly soluble in water and are the main component of soaps and shampoos, of course, these also form micelles. These new soaps do not have the problem of replacing salt. And by adding lactic acid or citric acid, the pH can be brought close to normal so that it is not irritating and inflammatory. The higher the acidity, the more it reduces the oiliness of the skin, so it is suitable for people with oily skin, especially in the T-zone of the face, which is oily. Of course, oily skin should use a soap with the least amount of moisturizer because all moisturizers have an oily base.
Mild or hypo-allergenic soaps
. Be very subtle