Implementation measures after diagnosis of chronic urticaria

Skin lesions that go back and forth within a few hours to a day and the size of a papule or plug, red and itchy and different shapes and a little paler in the middle

Hives has a slight bump, but in patients who have taken antihistamines, it is only flat

Itching and hives can worsen at night and with mental stress of all kinds

Along with symptoms such as fatigue/headache/arthralgia/weight loss, etc., and other conflicts in the body, we should also think about other diseases. 

Progesterone dermatitis worsens during menstruation, but its appearance is urticaria

acute urticaria

Under 6 weeks is acute

One out of every 5 people will get acute urticaria during their lifetime (20-25%) because of food, medicine and infection. 

It is acute for less than 6 weeks (mostly caused by viruses and a little by foods and drugs) and young women are more involved.

Acute food urticaria

acute food cause (food is the most common cause of the acute form)

Acute infectious urticaria

infectious (hepatitis and mono infection) 

Acute medicinal urticaria

Medicine (has the lowest prevalence of cause) which is antibiotics and NSAIDS in cases of aspirin family, we will have high CRP and large platelet size, basopenia and increased C3

Unknown acute urticaria

Rarely, unknown causes are not found

Children often develop acute urticaria

Chronic urticaria

More than 6 weeks is considered chronic on condition of most days of the week (more than once every other day).

Every moment at least one percent of the population is itching from chronic urticaria 

Urticaria is common in adults and twice as much in women as in men

Common middle-aged women are more involved between 30 and 60 years old

It is less in children

They get atopy a little more than normal people

Usually, one-third of the cases of chronic urticaria recover by themselves in less than six months, and they reach half within a year, and then the speed of recovery slows down, and 5% is added to the recovery group every year, and after 5 years from the beginning, only 20% are still infected.

Deep swelling is called angioedema, which in the chronic type is 50% only urticaria, 10% only angioedema, and 40% in common.

Only 20% of its causes are induction = chronic induction