Know the common Cold

Cold, which is a common disease, usually enters the body in different ways.
Viruses that cause colds in the body enter a person’s body through the nose and mouth and after two to three days, they cause illness.
It is interesting to know that direct cold does not cause a cold.
The evidence in Qutb is also indicative of this.
According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, the most important reason for catching a cold is the transmission of the virus through the hands or nose.

What are the most important symptoms of a cold?

Cold symptoms usually appear one to three days after exposure to the virus.
These symptoms include the following

  • stuffy or runny nose
  • Itchy throat or sore throat
  • headache
  • fever
  • cough
  • watery eyes
  • Feeling tired and bruised
  • Congestion (nasal congestion and sinus congestion)

Cold or flu?

For better treatment, think about its correct diagnosis.
Because the initial symptoms of cold and flu are similar, correct and timely diagnosis of cold can speed up the recovery process of the patient.
Because cold can be treated easily, but influenza is one of the dangerous diseases that sometimes leads to death.
For a correct diagnosis, it is better to see a specialist doctor.
It can be said that there is no single solution that can lead to the improvement of a cold.

To improve this disease, a series of the following ways are recommended:

  • See a doctor and use prescription drugs
  • Resting at home and adjusting the temperature and humidity of the living area
  • Hot water bath, drinking lots of fluids
  • Consuming cereal foods, vitamin C, soup and other nutrients and minerals