Allergy to mold and mildew

Allergy or sensitivity to fungi and molds

Fungi and molds as saprophytic organisms are important allergens inside the house and indoor places. However, some species of fungi are also considered as allergens in outdoor spaces. Fungi and molds can be found in almost all of our homes and living environments, especially wet basements, around bathroom windows, wet closets, food storage areas, refrigerators, air conditioners, and trash cans. These organisms need moisture to live and reproduce by dispersing their spores in the air.

Allergenic fungi and molds

In general, the particles of mold or fungi, including spores, or crushed parts of their vegetative parts, enter the respiratory tract with the breathing of a sensitive person, and allergy symptoms include coughing, itching of the eyes and nose or throat, runny nose. and eyes, nasal congestion (nasal congestion) or sneezing occurs. Of course, it should be remembered that in some people, allergy to mushrooms and molds can cause or aggravate asthma in them. There are many types of fungi and molds, and among the common types of allergenic fungi and molds in the living environment, we can mention the species of Cladosporium, Alternaria, Aspergillus or Penicillium.

Factors that increase sensitivity or allergy to fungi and molds

Several factors can cause allergy to mushrooms and molds or make the symptoms of allergy to these allergens more severe. These factors include:
1- Family history of allergic diseases
2- Working in a place that increases contact with fungal agents (such as working in the field, food industry and baking bread, animal husbandry, greenhouse, wood industry).
3- Living in a place with high humidity (more than 50%). In general, fungi and molds can multiply and spread rapidly in any place where the conditions are favorable for their growth (i.e. high humidity and relatively mild weather). The increase in humidity may also occur due to leaking water pipes or water penetration during rain.
4- Working or living in a place that does not have proper ventilation! The use of windows or doors that completely isolates the interior environment from the exterior environment can increase the amount of humidity and also increase the density of spores of fungi and molds in the interior environments. This itself causes an increase in breathing and contact with such allergens.

Allergic diseases caused by fungi and molds

Allergic responses to fungi and molds vary from person to person and can include diseases such as allergic rhinitis (mild or severe) or asthma.

  • Asthma caused by fungi and molds
    in some patients breathing allergens from fungi and molds can cause asthma attacks. Such people with asthma should avoid contact with spores of fungi and molds.
  • Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses) caused by allergenic fungi and molds
    In allergic sinusitis, a person experiences inflammation in his sinuses as a result of inhalation or contact with the allergens of fungi and molds. A major part of sinusitis in humans is due to allergy to fungi and molds, which must be diagnosed by a specialist doctor.
  • Lung disease caused by Aspergillus (Allergic Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis)
    This disease can be caused in people with asthma or cystic fibrosis due to sensitivity to Aspergillus in the lung area.