(Allergy) is a severe form of the body’s natural defense and if aggravated by sneezing, coughing, skin itching or lung congestion.
In order to annoy the person and get out of his tolerance, the person has an allergy.
The most important cause of allergy disease is genetics, but genetics alone is not the cause of allergies, but this field needs to break the body’s allergy in order to occur, and in order to break this barrier, various factors such as severe infections, dangerous chemicals (salt ink) houses, bleaching liquid, etc.) are effective.
Exaggeration in a specific nutritional model (consuming a lot of one food in a short period of time) as well as mental and emotional issues can break the body’s allergy barrier, and after the barrier is broken, the person will experience clinical symptoms.
All people of different ages are susceptible to allergies and all people from birth to 90 years of age have the possibility of contracting this disease.
In the group of children, boys are usually more prone to allergies, and after puberty, most women will suffer from allergies.
The most common allergy disease is nasal sensitivity. This chronic and irritating disease is even the most common disease among humans, but unfortunately, it is rarely diagnosed by patients or medical staff.