Lactose Intolerance


Abdominal pains along with bloating, diarrhea and flatulence after consuming foods containing lactose are common symptoms of this disease. Due to the decrease in the absorption of energy-generating substances in infants, these children have developmental defects. We have a lack of absorption in substances such as fat as well as calcium and phosphorus, which causes the symptoms of osteoporosis, rickets and osteomalacia.

These symptoms are due to the osmotic effect of lactose (desire to absorb water into the intestine) and the production of organic acids and carbon dioxide due to the fermentation of lactose by intestinal microorganisms.


There is no drug that causes the production or increase of lactase enzyme in the small intestine.

Despite this, special diets can be suggested to prevent symptoms of lactose intolerance.

People suffering from this disease should avoid eating foods that contain milk containing lactose or consume a certain amount of these products.

For example, a person may tolerate only a few sips of milk, or another person may tolerate only one glass of milk, but not be able to consume two glasses of milk.

Of course, some dairy products like yogurt are better tolerated than cheese and cheese is better tolerated than milk.

People who have a serious problem with eating milk can use tablets or supplements containing lactose, which causes lactose to be digested better.

Of course, there are lactose-free milks that are also recommended for these people.

Although supplements containing lactase have been made, people with lactose intolerance usually find relief by reducing the amount of dairy products consumed and using special products produced for people with this problem. Smaller amounts of dairy are often better tolerated. The amount of lactose in all dairy products is not the same. For example, hard cheeses such as Swiss cheese or cheddar have a small amount of lactose and generally do not cause any complications. Yogurt is usually better tolerated because the bacteria used in the preparation process naturally produce an enzyme that breaks down lactose.