Keep the windows closed at night to prevent pollen and spores from entering your living environment
If necessary, use the air conditioning system that creates clean, cold and dry air.
Minimize your morning activity in the open space, because the dispersion of pollens is at its highest between 5 and 10 am.
Keep your car windows closed during the trip.
Try not to leave the house when the dispersion of pollen in the air is high and also on windy and dusty days.
When there is a lot of pollen in the air, try to take a vacation and go to a pollen-free area.
Use appropriate medicines under the supervision of a doctor.
Do not use more anti-allergy medications than prescribed by your doctor.
Do not stand near freshly cut grass and avoid cutting the grass.
Avoid collecting dry leaves.
Do not grow too many plants inside your home, as they may cause fungus and mold to accumulate in the house.
It is better to use an air conditioning system equipped with HEPA filters (filters with high absorption power) to air the house.
Note that these filters must be replaced regularly.
People with allergies and asthma should avoid irritants in the air such as cigarette smoke, paint, cleaning products, sprays, cologne and other strong smells.
Be careful how long you stay outside. Pollens are definitely present in nature. But you can plan that your activities (walking – exercise…) will be done during the hours when the pollen will disturb you the least.
(Be at home during the hours when pollen is most active, such as early morning and evening)
Wash your hair before going to sleep. This will prevent pollens from outside from entering your bed and you will not inhale them while sleeping.
Do not dry your clothes outside the rooms (outdoors).
Avoid gardening.
While driving, make sure that the car windows are up and closed and install a pollen filter in the car.
Avoid activities that cause excessive irritation of the mucous membrane. For example: eye make-up, use of dry-cleaning foams and foams, cigarette vapors, cooking smoke (frying smell) and…
Take your vacation to the mountains or the seaside.
Don’t forget that pollen allergies (plant allergens) can be triggered by eating certain foods and cause the same symptoms as plant allergies.