The best milk for a child who is allergic is breast milk and if the mother does not use dairy products such as ice cream, buttermilk, etc.
The milk itself has two parts:
Casein , which explains the semi-solidity of milk, 80% of milk is casein, which is a mixed state, and the other 20% of milk is whey or whey.
Unlike casein, which is easily seen in the form of cream, cream, etc., but the other part of whey or whey is mostly liquid.
Milk is the first natural vaccine because it contains antibodies, raw milk itself is bad when it is cooked, it is a little tolerable and when it is more harmless to yogurt, cheese and butter, so our emphasis is on raw milk, if A person who showed an allergy to cooked milk, these people are very sensitive and even have anaphylaxis shock, should take it very seriously. If someone is allergic to milk, do not use soy milk, horse milk, camel milk, or donkey milk. They can use it. 90% of people who are allergic to cow’s milk do not have any problems and they can use their meat.