How to protect our environment

Types of pollution

From the environmental point of view, two groups of pollutants can be distinguished: degradable and non-degradable.

A degradable pollutant can be decomposed, destroyed or consumed, such as human sewage and human or agricultural waste and some radioactive substances, etc. Non-degradable pollutant is not decomposed by natural means.
Examples of such pollutants include mercury, lead, and some of their compounds and some plastics, therefore, the entry of harmful stable pollutants into the environment should be completely prevented or controlled so that it does not reach harmful levels.

The concrete things we deal with on a daily basis

 1- Use of washing powders and dishwashing liquids with less side effects : unfortunately, these substances cause harmful effects in spite of many health benefits. Because phosphates and chemical compounds that contain phosphorus are present in large quantities in most dishwashing liquids and laundry powders, and when phosphates enter rivers and wetlands, they increase the rate of growth and reproduction of weeds, which reduces Oxygenation of water and death of aquatic life. Remember the following:

 Use less amount of cleaning materials (detergents).

Use cleaners that have less phosphate. 

Some products decompose and destroy themselves within 5 years.

2- Use of rechargeable batteries : due to rusting, a large amount of dangerous toxins inside the batteries enter the environment, mercury compounds being one of the most important of them. 
Do not use disposable batteries.
3- In the kitchen : The kitchen is a good place where we can improve our knowledge and awareness in the field of understanding environmental issues from theory to practice. By doing some actions and initiatives that are effective in preserving the environment and preventing the aggravation of pollution, we can resist some common habits. Remember the following:

Instead of wrapping food in aluminum or plastic sheets, place them in containers and containers that can be washed and reused.
Instead of using paper towels, use used cloths to collect liquids and wipe food stains or drops, and prepare them for reuse after washing.

Its oil and vapors are extremely harmful to the body. Remember not to use solid oils as much as possible, or if you do, prevent it from burning and do not use burnt oil for future use.

4- The right time to change tires : the polluting role of used car tires is much more than it might seem at first glance. If some points are observed in the use of tires, it will have an effect during the lifetime of these devices and the use of large amounts of crude oil to make new tires will be avoided and saved, and at the same time, the effect of mass pollution of used tires will be avoided to a large extent. because due to their bulkiness, it is difficult to collect them and the water that penetrates into them through rain or sewage, provides a suitable place for laying and multiplying all kinds of parasites and microbes. Remember the following:

When buying a tire, pay attention to its lifespan and its effect on reducing car fuel consumption. Make sure that the tires of the car are sufficiently balanced, and measure their air after every 8 to 10 thousand kilometers of driving.

Support efforts to reuse used tires. 

5- Careful use of tap water : each of us consumes 28 gallons of water per day. If we close the water tap in unnecessary cases, we avoid water wastage to a great extent. If you only wet your toothbrush with a little water while brushing your teeth, you will save more than 9 gallons of water every time.
 If you fill the sink with water while washing the dishes, you will save about 16 gallons of water every time you wash the dishes.
 If you use a bucket of water and a sponge while washing your car, you will save about 80 gallons of water every time you wash your car.
 6- Less use of aluminum cans : Aluminum is the most abundant element in nature. For the first time in 1963, aluminum cans were used for the supply of soft drinks, and now a huge amount of aluminum is produced and used for the preparation of cans containing soft drinks.
  Certain tanks should be considered in each region so that the people of containers Pour your aluminum in them.
 7- Think about the environment in the workplace : many materials that are used in homes create waste and a huge amount of garbage. In the workplace, including workshops, factories, offices, etc., they can be just as harmful. You should think about the environment and saving the planet at work.
Design and inform your friends about some of the initiatives that can be used to reduce waste in the environment, one of these things is using less photocopying. Perhaps the best way to recover new paper from waste paper is in offices.
If you want, every month you can deliver a mountain of old paper and cardboard to companies that make new paper and cardboard from them. Use glass cups instead of plastic cups.
8- Give shelter to non-domestic animals in your garden : You can start helping and mercying non-domestic animals from your own garden. 
You can put leftovers on the table to feed the birds in a corner of your balcony or garden.
9- Protect and support rain forests,
avoid lighting fire under the trees and in the forest. Do not cut down the trees in the path of the rivers. Remember that if each person plants a tree, the destroyed resources can be easily replaced.
 10-Start recovering used materials.
To facilitate recovery, you can separate your waste.