Bad Breath

Seven main causes of bad breath

Put your hands in front of your nose and mouth and let the air out of your mouth. what do you smell

If you smell bad, you may quickly know the reason for it depending on the food you ate. Everyone knows that after eating onions, garlic, sandwiches and some other foods, our mouth may smell bad.

But apart from the food you ate, there are many reasons that may be the cause of this bad smell. 

It is possible that lack of oral and dental hygiene, improper brushing or smoking are the cause of this bad smell.

In this article, seven main causes of bad breath are explained. It has been tried to remember the ways to prevent bad smell and the ways to improve them.

Bad habits in oral hygiene

You may not believe it, but many people don’t even brush their teeth before going to bed! Also, most of them only brush their teeth for 10 seconds during the day.

In fact, it is necessary to brush your teeth well at least twice a day. Cleaning between the teeth with dental floss and cleaning the surface of the tongue using a toothbrush and tongue cleaner are also recommended.

Food residue between the teeth and on the tongue not only causes bad breath, but also leads to more serious factors such as plaque and gum and tooth diseases.

Untreated dental problems

If you have problems with your teeth or gums, see a dentist as soon as possible and fix the problems.

 Almost any dental lesion can lead to bad breath in the future. A partially erupted wisdom tooth that is difficult to clean food residue from its sides or a simple abscess can become one of the most important problems in a short period of time. Causes of body odor in your mouth.

One of the most important causes of bad breath is gum disease. Many people are not aware of the damage that is happening in their gums until they notice bad breath.

Frequent and regular visits to the dentist at specific intervals (for example, once every six months) will bring you oral and dental health and prevention.

dry mouth

Oral saliva cleans the effects of leftover food as well as bacteria that enter the mouth from the air.

If your mouth is dry, plaques start to grow on the teeth. In addition, gradually more problems arise for your teeth, which eventually causes bad breath.

Breathing, taking some drugs and salivary gland diseases may be the causes of dry mouth. If you want to have a pleasant mouth, you must take care of your dry mouth. Fluid intake – especially after meals is highly recommended.

If you feel that your dry mouth is abnormal, it is better to visit your doctor and dentist for an examination.

Stomach problems

The return of stomach acid to the top and its entry into the mouth is one of the causes of bad breath.

Gastric reflux, in addition to bad breath, can lead to teeth sensitivity to cold and heat, as well as sinus diseases.

Eating before going to bed and sleeping badly are factors that can lead to gastric reflux. But if there are suspicious cases in this field that bother you, it is better to see a gastroenterologist to solve the problem.


The smell of cigarettes is bad enough, but the role of cigarettes in bad breath is very high.

When smoking is so bad for your lungs, imagine what problems it can cause for your mouth and teeth.

Your mouth is the first place where cigarette smoke enters, and this issue causes a lot of damage to your mouth, including dry mouth, gum disease, and oral and sinus infections.

If you are in the process of quitting smoking, it is not a bad idea to ask your dentist for help in getting smoking cessation programs and anti-smoking treatments.

Artificial teeth

Artificial teeth often contribute to bad breath.

But in most cases, the reason for this bad smell is the lack of proper care of these teeth. Dr. Michel says about these teeth: artificial teeth will never replace our teeth and can be a suitable place for the growth of fungi, plaque and bacteria.

Ask your dentist about how to care for artificial teeth. In addition, you should note that it is necessary to change your artificial teeth every five to seven years.