There are many possibilities to reduce the pressure and effect of stimulants, which can be used to reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.
First step: Do not humidify the air in the house too much. When cooking, take care of cleaning the house, bathing, and then airing the kitchen, rooms, and bathrooms, and close the door of the bathroom or other rooms to prevent moisture from spreading to other parts of the house.
Second step: prevent the accumulation of dust, empty the extra items, especially the items that are difficult to clean and dust.
Wipe the outer surface of the equipment with a damp cloth.
Clean sponge sofas, curtains, carpets and floors with a vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum the mattresses every two weeks and change the pillows every three months if possible.
Step 3: To kill the mites, wash the sheets regularly with warm water at 60 degrees.