Sodium Cromolyn

Use cases

Cromolyn is prescribed to prevent the symptoms of asthma and allergic rhinitis. This drug prevents the release of substances that cause these symptoms from mast cells and basophils in the blood. When cromolyn is taken directly, it prevents the frequency and severity of asthma attacks as well as the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. The inhaled form of Cromolyn can be used to prevent an asthma attack following breathing cold air, exercising or breathing substances such as pollutants or allergens. As soon as the condition of the body is stabilized with cromolyn, it may be possible to reduce the amount of other anti-asthma or anti-allergy drugs taken with the opinion of the attending physician. It is worth noting that cromolyn has no effect on the recovery or control of an asthma attack and may even aggravate the attack. 

Alcoholic stabilizers

From this category, we only have cromolyn, which has eye drops. that drunken cells become unstable due to stimulation by allergens and release inflammatory factors and histamine. Therefore, drugs that can stabilize tuberculosis can prevent the release of allergic agents.

Ophthalmic cromolyn is used to relieve inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea. Of course, this is provided that this inflammation occurred as a result of allergies. Because if it is caused by a viral or bacterial infection, antibiotics should be prescribed along with the use of anti-inflammatory agents.

Maybe a little dry eye and eye edema, irritation and itching can be seen as a side effect of cromolyn drops, which may occur in some people.