Mite Eradication

Solutions to control and eradicate house dust mite

In general, house dust mites are small creatures (about three tenths of a millimeter) and live in closed spaces and places such as kindergartens, houses, classrooms, nursing homes, etc.
Mites are harmful to human health and often cause allergic reactions such as asthma, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, breathing problems and skin inflammation.

Important recommendations for controlling and eradicating house dust mites

  • The best place to fight dust mites is the bedroom. To prevent contact of mites and other allergens with the body, all mattresses and pillows should be placed inside plastic covers (nylon cover).
  • Do not use pillows that are filled with miscellaneous and allergenic materials (such as animal feathers or natural wool).
  • Sheets, bedspreads and pillowcases should be washed weekly with hot water (65 to 70 degrees Celsius). Curtains also need to be washed every month.
  • Shaking the beds outside the house and washing the blankets frequently reduces the mite’s access to the food source (i.e. the skin and dander of the body) and thus reduces the number of mites.
  • Worn socks and pus clothes should never be kept in the sleeping area, because pus clothes are full of dead skin cells of the human body, which are used as a source of food for mites.
  • If possible, cover the bedroom floor with wooden flooring and other covering materials.
    Do not use carpets or other fluffy materials to furnish the bedroom.
  • The place where you live should be dusted regularly and continuously, and the house should be cleaned at least once a week with a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter (fine particle absorbing filter with high efficiency) or double-walled bags.
    It is worth mentioning that most ordinary vacuum cleaners do not have a special filter to remove allergens from house dust.
  • To reduce the growth of mites, it is necessary to prevent the increase of humidity in the house as much as possible. Prevent the accumulation of moisture in the rooms with indoor air conditioning.
  • If there is no proper ventilation, avoid drying the washed clothes inside the rooms and never put the clothes in the closets in a damp state.
  • Using air purifiers equipped with multiple filters and HEPA filters can be effective in reducing allergens in the home.