Healthy eating tips

Healthy eating tips:

  • From a scientific point of view, no superior diet has been found except for the Mediterranean diet, which doctors usually agree is healthy and comprehensive, but the principles of a healthy and balanced diet are known.
  • Every regime that claims “superiority” has “exaggerated” its “claim”.
  • If you don’t have a disease or special restrictions, this comprehensive protocol can maintain your health until the end of your life

Your total daily food should be about one third of starch + one third of fruits and vegetables + one third of dairy products and protein

A general explanation :
From a scientific point of view, no superior diet has been found.
But the principles of a healthy and balanced diet are known, so our criterion here is how to eat food that is close to a healthy and balanced diet. It is based on these criteria that we can evaluate which diets are suitable or not.
Try to make your plates and spoons as small as possible during meal times.
Contrary to popular belief, numerous studies show that this simple task has a great impact on reducing food consumption. Pay attention to eating and chewing food.
Eating in front of the TV and computer makes you overeat, drink water, six to eight glasses a day. These are official and valid recommendations that have scientific backing.
Starch, whole grain bread, a little potato, brown rice and fibrous pasta should be the basis of the meal.
Almost a third of your food should be these.
Prefer brown, that is, use whole (wheat) bread rather than white bread. Use more brown rice than white rice. Based on the cooking method, if you can avoid the potato skin, use high-fiber pasta.
Removing bran from bread or rice reduces the amount of fiber in the food, and some nutritious minerals may also be removed with it.
Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables should make up about a third of your daily diet.
The current recommendation is that you should eat a total of four hundred grams of fruits and vegetables (both raw and cooked) per day.
You can use part in cooking and eat part raw. Create as much variety as possible in these fruits and vegetables.
If you eat the fruit raw, consider an apple, tangerine, orange, peach or apple as one-fifth of the daily requirement, i.e. about eighty grams.
Dry fruits are also good food, such as apricot leaves, dried figs, raisins or plums. The current recommendation is 30 grams per day, which is equivalent to 80 grams of fruits and vegetables.
Do not replace the fruit juice as much as possible, do not take the valuable fiber from the fruit.
If, for example, one orange is enough for you, you should use more than one orange for a glass of orange juice, so more sugar and calories enter your body.
If you drink fruit juice, it should not be more than 150 ml per day.
A standard medium glass is about 330 ml. Note that vegetables and fruits should not be considered as supplements but as one third of the daily diet.
Dairy products: Dairy products should be part of your daily diet. Preference is given to those that are low in sugar, fat and salt, such as milk and yogurt. It is better to choose low-fat milk and yogurt, which are preferable to full-fat and completely fat-free, for example, milk and yogurt with one to two percent fat.


It should be part of daily food, beans, eggs, red meat, chicken and fish contain protein.
Don’t underestimate beans, they have both protein and nutrients, they are low in calories and full of fiber. Be careful with red meat. Lean meat is preferred. Eat processed meat (sausage and sausage) as little as possible. Pay attention to fish, especially oily fish, it is recommended to eat fish twice a week.
Sometimes a very, very small amount of healthy and safe animal oil or olive oil is preferable to other oils.

Use unsaturated oils.
Reduce oil consumption as much as possible and do not use solid oil at all. Remove the oil from fried foods with a paper towel or collect the fat from the broth as much as possible. Eat less fatty, sweet, and salty foods.
And if you eat, eat less. Cut off all kinds of sweets and cakes, biscuits, ice cream, butter and cream, carbonated and sweet drinks as much as possible.

What to do to get rid of abdominal obesity quickly?

Abdominal obesity, if the person does not have an underlying disease, is a sign of high calorie intake and little exercise.
Adjust your diet based on what was said and exercise.
Research shows that any diet that claims to be “superior” has “exaggerated” its “claim”. Another point is that research shows that if you lose weight too quickly by going on a diet, you are more likely to gain it back. Weight gain happens over time and so does healthy weight loss. Continuing to eat healthy along with exercise is the most effective method.

What is the best and healthiest diet?

There is no definitive answer to this question, but the review of research conducted on diets indicates the Mediterranean diet as the healthiest. In 2014, two nutritionists reviewed a lot of research on different diets to find the best diet and came to the conclusion that three things can be said with great certainty; It is a healthy diet that:

  • Its food comes directly from nature (not processed food, not prepared food, not fast food, not canned and microwaved food and the like)
  • Most of it is vegetable
  • Its animal ingredients are derived from animals that have consumed natural foods themselves (it is not easy to find and ensure this).

Is the right diet for fatty liver?

Fatty liver, which has a reason other than alcohol consumption, has different degrees.
Its mild degree, which is usually asymptomatic, may be present in many people, which is the product of fat accumulation in the liver cells.
In a small percentage of the total, this fat can cause inflammation of the liver and cause more severe degrees that can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver and its failure.
Obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, age over fifty and smoking are the underlying factors.
Therefore, in general, it can be said that healthy and balanced nutrition, exercise, smoking cessation and blood sugar regulation are the main solutions, and eating olive oil in the morning or refraining from eating fruit for its treatment has no medical basis!

What are the side effects of pills that are recommended for weight loss?

There are many types of slimming drugs with different ingredients, so it is not possible to say whether they are harmful or what they are harmful.
But what can be said with much more certainty is that so far no slimming drug has been found that has been proven to be medically useful.

Is being vegan medically dangerous?

  • From a medical point of view, veganism is not dangerous, but it requires some considerations. In addition to what was mentioned as a healthy and balanced diet, pay attention to these points:
    you should take care of the balance and health of your diet, especially to supply iron, calcium and vitamin B12. Calcium and vitamin are very closely related in the metabolism of the body. In vegetarians and vegans who eat dairy products, calcium reaches the body in this way, for those who do not consume any animal products, these recommendations are suggested:
    to supply vitamin D and calcium :
  • Sesame and Arde, beans (lentils, beans, chickpeas and beans). Soak the beans before cooking and wash them well.
  • Dry fruits
    for iron supply :
  • Vegetables with dark green leaves such as watercress, broccoli
  • nuts, nuts (almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts)
  • Bread enriched with iron
    to get vitamin D :
  • Consider direct exposure to sunlight. Read more about it here. For calcium, iron, vitamin D and especially vitamin B12, you can use supplements after consulting your doctor.

Is consumption of red meat necessary for the body ? How much should we consume per week? Is complete abstinence from meat harmful in the long run? Is it possible to have a complete and healthy diet without meat?
Red meat is one of the sources of protein and iron.
Research has shown that the Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest diets, and in this diet, the consumption of red meat is low and it is mostly eaten on the weekend or on special occasions.
There is no doubt that a diet that has a lot of meat, especially red meat, is not a balanced diet.
Although it is not possible to determine with certainty the number of times to eat meat per week, it can be said that vegetarians and vegans are not required not to eat red meat and only some considerations have been recommended to them. If you constantly consume red meat, it is better not to eat more than 70 grams a day (half a kilo per week).
Grilling lean meat (in such a way that the fat of the meat comes out from under it) is the best method, like roasting chanche or leaf, but not like pounded roast, which has a lot of fat.

Doctors do not recommend consuming fried food .
If you regularly consume red meat, it is better not to eat more than 70 grams per day (half a kilo per week).

  • Fiber helps the work of the large intestine and facilitates elimination and constipation. In addition, when you consume starch in a healthy and brown form, you eat less because you get full sooner, so you get fewer calories.
  • Don’t pay attention to big advertising promises – either in the media or by word of mouth. If these promises were really fulfilled, scientific research had shown it.
  • Don’t eat anything when you’re not hungry, don’t indulge in snacking.
  • Abdominal obesity, if the person does not have an underlying disease, is a sign of high calorie intake and little exercise.
  • It is recommended to eat less and stop eating before feeling full.