Asthma and nature tourism

Asthma and nature tourism

If you suffer from one of the respiratory, skin or food allergic diseases such as seasonal allergies (allergic rhinitis, nasal allergies), asthma, hives, eczema or allergy to snacks or fruits; You may experience problems due to contact with different types of allergens in nature and feel uncomfortable. Therefore, in order to spend a happy and joyful time in nature and with your family, you should pay attention to some points and follow them carefully. do it

Important recommendations in nature tourism for sensitive and allergic people

Pollination of plants and spores of fungi
Spring and summer are the peak of pollination of trees, grasses and some common allergenic weeds in Iran.
Try to use a mask as much as possible while walking in nature.
Also, due to the fact that the density of plant pollens and mushroom spores is much higher during windy days than on normal days, so if possible, choose days for nature tourism when the wind is low.

Carrying anti-allergy and allergy medications

If you are suffering from one of the allergic diseases, especially respiratory allergies, be sure to bring the medicines related to your patient (topical ointments, antihistamines, sprays) in sufficient quantity, and if the specialist doctor decides, anti-inflammatory drugs Take your allergy preventive even if there are no allergy symptoms.

Travel tent

Before traveling and tourism in nature, if you need to use a travel tent, be sure to clean your travel tent and wash it if possible. 
Keeping a travel tent for a long time or using it repeatedly causes the accumulation of fungal spores or plant pollen in it.

Skin moisturizing creams

Considering that your skin is in contact with sunlight or wind during tourism in nature, so carrying moisturizing creams and using them to moisturize the skin will prevent skin drying and allergic reactions caused by Eczema or dermatitis.

A place to settle and stay in nature

Try to choose a place where the land is not dry and earthy to stay and settle in nature! Breathing air contaminated with fine dust and dust can cause or aggravate respiratory allergy symptoms.
The right place can be fields covered with grass or grass; Of course, if you are not allergic to grass and such plants!

Carrying medicine and asthma spray

If you are suffering from asthma, you must take your medicines regularly while traveling and nature tourism.
You must carry the sprays required to control and prevent asthma attacks that your doctor has prescribed with you at all times.

Awareness of the complication of asthma after rain and storm

If you have asthma, you should be careful of the phenomenon called Asthma after rain, storm and lightning (Thunderstorm Asthma).
In this condition, due to the wind and high humidity, the person with asthma is in contact with large amounts of pollen and mushroom spores, which may cause sudden symptoms of asthma and shortness of breath.
To know about this condition and the allergic reactions caused by it, refer to the article “Asthma after rain in patients with pollen allergy”.

Inhaling smoke while cooking

If you suffer from one of the allergic diseases, especially facial allergies
such as asthma or seasonal allergies, it is better to stay away from the cooking area when preparing grilled food on charcoal and wood, which is always accompanied by the production of smoke, in order to avoid inhaling the smoke. to a minimum
Breathing in smoke can always cause and aggravate the symptoms of respiratory allergies and asthma in you.

Control and prevention of food allergy in nature tourism

If you have a food allergy, try to bring all the food that you will consume during the nature tourism with you.
You should use foods whose ingredients are known.
If you have ever had a severe allergic reaction to food, be sure to have an automatic epinephrine injection (Epi-Pen) with you.
Also, if you have gone on nature tourism with your friends, be sure to inform one of your groupmates about your food allergy and explain how to use the epinephrine injection.

Prevention of insect bites in nature

If you are allergic to insect stings, especially bees, you must consider some points. Try not to use clothes with bright and shiny colors, as well as perfumes and essences and other aromatic substances.
Bright colors and the smell of aromatic substances attract insects, especially bees, to you. 
Never keep leftover food, food cans, or beverage bottles at your campsite in nature.
Leftovers of food and drinks attract all kinds of insects to your place of residence.
Never wear sandals when walking in nature, especially places covered with plants! Using such shoes that do not completely cover your feet increases the possibility of being bitten by insects! If you have ever had severe allergic reactions due to insect bites, be sure to carry an automatic epinephrine injection (Epi-Pen) with you.
Also, if you have gone on nature tourism with your friends, make sure to inform one of your groupmates about this issue and explain to your friend how to use the epinephrine injection.