If you are allergic to insect stings, especially bees, you must consider some points. Try not to use clothes with bright and shiny colors, as well as perfumes and essences and other aromatic substances.
Bright colors and the smell of aromatic substances attract insects, especially bees, to you.
Never keep leftover food, food cans, or beverage bottles at your campsite in nature.
Leftovers of food and drinks attract all kinds of insects to your place of residence.
Never wear sandals when walking in nature, especially places covered with plants! Using such shoes that do not completely cover your feet increases the possibility of being bitten by insects! If you have ever had severe allergic reactions due to insect bites, be sure to carry an automatic epinephrine injection (Epi-Pen) with you.
Also, if you have gone on nature tourism with your friends, make sure to inform one of your groupmates about this issue and explain to your friend how to use the epinephrine injection.