Recognizing abnormal skin conditions

Abnormal skin conditions


Any kind of mole that itches and bleeds or is getting bigger (types of melanoma, hemagoria, etc.)
Hair loss in the outer part of the eyebrow and the appearance of skin spots along with the thickness of the skin (leprosy)
Any kind of prolonged wound, especially in the face area
excessive sweating (hyperthyroidism or diabetes)
the presence of any type of skin rash,
the definition of several skin lesions and their treatment tips

MACULE : Lesions on the same level as the skin and cannot be touched, which are smaller than one centimeter and can be seen in red, blue, brown, etc. colors. Large macules are called PATCH or spots, the most common cause of which is the stimulation of melanocytes by sunlight.
Prevention: Use of appropriate sunscreen
Treatment: Peeling and applying anti-blemish cream
Freckles or freckles are very small macules that are caused by sunlight. They are less than 5 mm in size, but the patch is 1 to 1.5 cm in size.
Due to the phenomenon of keratinization, the melanocytes start to work again and do not disappear, so after stopping the anti-spot products, you will see that the spots have returned.
Papule : are palpable lesions that have a firm consistency, such as warts, moles, etc.
Treatment of warts and moles: Usually, the lesion is removed with cautery, cryo, or laser.
Comedon (COMEDON) : A mass formed by the secretions of the gland and the remnants of horny skin cells in the hair follicle, which can be open (black) and closed (white).
Treatment: skin cleansing and evacuation by chemical or mechanical methods (comedo extractor)
Milia (MILIA) : cysts or small bags without pores. Around the sweat pores on the surface of the skin, due to the accumulation of the horny layer (keratin), small, hard and white masses are formed. They are hard to the touch and can be seen around the eyes.
Treatment: Cleansing and draining with a sterile needle.
Acne (ACNE) : The set of blackheads, comedones, infectious pimples, red and purulent acne, etc. Acne, inflammation and abnormal follicular keratinization are involved.
Treatment: acute cases refer to a specialist doctor. In other cases, AHA peeling creams and a mild detergent are prescribed, then a referral to a doctor is made.
Skin turbidity : It is caused by the thickening of the stratum corneum, which gives the skin a rough appearance and the skin color loses its transparency.
Prevention: proper care, avoiding pollution and cleaning the skin
Treatment: scrub or exfoliation with light peeling, deep cleaning and peeling with AHA
Skin wrinkles : 20% due to aging and 80% due to sunlight, smoking, stress, etc. is Prevention
: avoiding the causative factors such as sunlight and using appropriate sunscreen, moisturizer, softener, exfoliators and anti-wrinkle anti-wrinkle products . : It is one of the problems that you should try to solve after the cause is determined. The best treatment: Electrolysis. Keratosis pliaris: Some people have small grains on the outer part of the arm, hip and thigh, which is also known as chicken skin. This lesion is genetic and is more common in people with dry skin. Auxiliary treatment: use of exfoliator and use of suitable softener. Orange skin

: Some people have oily skin with open pores, which is aggravated by prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Auxiliary treatment: Cleansing and peeling of
cracked skin: excessive dryness of the skin causes cracked skin, which is more common in the palm areas or more.
Treatment: use of softeners and hair treatments for
skin diseases and lesions (problems).
Some pathogens include bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Some diseases are allergic and some are due to allergic reactions.
Bacterial infections: such as impetigo, folliculitis, pustules, nail tissue infection (paronychia)
Viral infections: such as herpes, shingles and warts
Parasitic infections: such as scabies, lice and ringworm
Fungal infections: such as tinea head fungus , nail fungus, trunk fungus, toe fungus, etc.,
lesions of sebaceous glands: acne, sebaceous cysts
, pigmentation disorders: in the form of increased or decreased pigmentation on the skin, such as spots, freckles, pessies or WITILIGO
moles : which can be vascular or congenital (some hemangiomas, eclipses, strawberry moles, spider moles)
lesions caused by excessive skin growth:
psoriasis ,
skin sensitivity
, allergic lesions: urticaria,
drug reactions and insect bites,
skin inflammation (dermatitis): eczema

Types of skin discoloration and its causes,
darkening and tanning due to sunlight, as well as spots and freckles due to sunlight.
Congenital disorder in the form of not producing pigment (albinism or leprosy)
Congenital disorder in increasing the production of pigment, such as moles Congenital or lunar eclipse (wine-colored spots that appear in red, blue, or purple colors).
 Loss of pigmentation (acquired) which is called vitiligo or pisi.
The difference in skin color is due to the way pigment is distributed in different parts of the body.
Many skin diseases or other diseases that have skin manifestations cause a change in skin color. including fungal diseases (TINEA VERSICALOR), granulomatous diseases (measles, scarlet fever, chicken pox, etc.), herpes, shingles, yellow fever, acne, eczemas, skin inflammations and skin diseases, and …
skin color change to The cause of aging can be in different forms. Freckles, spots, especially on the back of the hands of the elderly, which are called LENTIGO or vitiligo and couperose.
Both heat and cold cause burns, and by changing the surface vessels of the skin and its contraction and expansion, they cause a change in the color of the skin, which is related to the severity and degree of the burn.
Pregnancy causes various changes in skin color. Chloasma or melasma on the face and neck (which is similar), pregnancy stretch marks on the abdomen (stria), varicose veins on the legs and purple discoloration, spider veins and skin tags are among these.
Medicines, including birth control pills,
cosmetic products, perfumes and deodorants containing bergamot, psoralen and PABA cause melanoderm lesions.
 Black and brown moles,
skin discoloration due to irritation: Acne or comedone irritation can irritate the skin of the adjacent area and its melanocytes and cause blemishes. This complication occurs mostly in people with dark skin, which is called Post Inflammatory Pigmentation.
Malnutrition sometimes causes browning around the lips, around the eyes, and pale face.

Getting to know the causes and mechanisms of acne

Pimple or acne is a chronic and multi-caused disorder of the sebaceous gland or pilosebaceous unit of the skin, and almost all people suffer from it to varying degrees during their lifetime. In terms of severity, it can be seen in mild, moderate and severe types.
The main causes of acne
are increased production of skin fat (sebum),
abnormal keratinization of the skin and hair follicle ducts or sebaceous glands, which causes disruption of secretions and is associated with fat accumulation.
Proliferation of related microbes (Propionibacterium acnes)
inflammation of
sebaceous glands naturally spread all over the skin surface and are responsible for keeping the skin surface oily, and due to the presence of some substances, they also have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. These glands are not present in the palms, feet, and lips, and their highest concentration is in the face, head, chest, and upper back.
Acne is mostly seen in the face area and in the form of comedones (small pimples that are seen as blackheads and whiteheads), papules (purulent pimples) and finally cysts (big pimples with depth and contents inside them). ) appear.
Stages of acne formation,
formation of microcomedon due to increased production of sebaceous glands and abnormal horniness of gland ducts and skin, microcomedon to comedon, which is a blackhead or whitehead, and is a suitable environment for the growth of microbes. If the comedone is on the surface of the dermis, sebaceous acne occurs. If it is deeper, it appears as a painful nodule (cyst).
Effective factors in causing acne:
hormones (progesterone, testosterone, and thyroxine),
climate and excessive sweating,
mechanical stimulation (pressure and skin massage),
drugs (corticosteroids, OCPs, compounds containing iodine, contrast agents, some B vitamins, phenytoin, baritorates, isoniazid)
chemical and industrial
substances, cosmetics,
of microbes,
stress and mental pressure, and increased secretion of skin oil or seborrhea.
Acne treatment
Acne treatment is done depending on its type. The general principles of acne treatment include:
maintaining skin hygiene: recommending to wash acne-prone areas twice a day with soaps that have acidic properties, not manipulating pimples, not using greasy cosmetics,
using antimicrobial drugs with the recommendation of the attending physician, using local treatments, including Types of antimicrobial, exfoliating and moisturizing creams,
use of sunscreen suitable for
the performance of some skin products
– scrub products: remove excess dead cells on the surface of the skin and perform cleaning work.
Peeling products: After the dead cells, they start to destroy parts of the epidermis. The performance of these products is done by cell renewal and increase in keratinization, activation of fibroblasts and increase in capillary blood flow.
The difference between AHA and BHA products
is that AHA products have more depth and penetration and have a higher stimulating effect. Therefore, it is better to use BHA products as exfoliators for dry and sensitive skin. There are two types
of sun protection products
visible and
There are two types of invisible rays:
infrared (IR) and
ultraviolet (UV).
UV rays have three parts:
UVA (400-320 nm) – the main cause of aging, skin darkening and pigmentation, 30% of which is absorbed by the dermis. will be
UVB (280-320 nm) is the main cause of tanning, sunburn and skin redness. 20% is absorbed by the epidermis and 10% by the dermis.
UVC (190-280 nm) is the main cause of skin cancer and is the most damaging UV radiation that is absorbed by the ozone layer.
The ozone layer prevents deadly rays such as gamma, x-rays and cosmic rays from reaching the skin.
The characteristics of a good sunscreen should be at least SPF 20 to prevent UVA&UVB&IR rays.
It should be resistant to water and washing, it should not be removed by sweating, it should not irritate the skin, it should not be absorbed by the skin, it should spread easily on the skin, it should contain antioxidants (ACE vitamins), it should be selected according to the skin type.
have physical and chemical compounds.
What is mentioned as SPF on sunscreen products means the product’s ability to protect against UVB rays, and to protect against UVA rays, the term used is APF.
A higher SPF does not necessarily mean a better product.