Prevention of Asthma and Allergy

Prevention is done in four axes

  • Avoiding allergens and triggers (the key to recovery)
  • Not having stress (stress is the cause of allergy)
  • Use of preventive sprays (which regulates the mucosal immune system with anti-inflammatory effects, balances and improves the performance of the respiratory system)
  • Vaccine therapy (as the most effective type of prevention to return the body’s immune system to the state before the onset of the disease)


The main part of allergy treatment is avoidance. Although it is not perfect, it is ideal and 100% needed, and on the other hand, it is the simplest, cheapest and most harmless method of treatment. If it is practical, it is also the most effective method of treatment.
It is necessary to pay attention to the air the patient inhales, the food he consumes, the patient’s interests, occupation, and lifestyle. Special attention is required regarding the medicines he takes for other diseases. It is necessary to encourage the patient and perform as much prevention as possible.
Prevention (Avoidance), which is the most important pillar of allergy treatment, requires continuous training, although it is ideal and definitely needed, but it is definitely not perfect (although in some cases it can be perfect, so that the patient gets well and finds a cure without any other treatment process). Prevention is the cheapest. It is the simplest, most harmless and most effective.
In order to succeed in prevention, in addition to continuous education, also implement continuous encouragement. Prevention is in inhalation, eating, contact, injection, etc. In addition to the air in which he breathes, the medicine and food he consumes, and his occupation and hobby (entertainment). Prevention can be in terms of removing the allergen, removing the trigger and also changing the setting, areas prone to allergy.

The benefits of abstinence

  • Reducing the load of allergens, which leads to the reduction of disease symptoms.
  • It prevents new sensitivities to other things.
  • Although most of the patients are reluctant to abstinence, some of them can get better just by abstinence and no other treatment methods are needed.
  • If abstinence is done to some extent, it is an effective help to other treatment methods.
  • In addition to preventing successive destruction of the body’s immune barrier, abstinence can allow the immune system to recover by relaxing the immune system.

Abstinence at home

  1.  Collecting carpets in the rooms, especially in the bedroom, and using ceramic or 
    parquet instead reduces the load of allergens in the air at home.
  2. Washing all washable materials weekly with warm water of 70 degrees reduces the allergen load. Even the ceiling fan should be washed.
  3. It is recommended to use dacron covers for mattresses and pillows.
  4. Using enough light in the bedroom, especially sunlight, and reducing humidity to 50% will reduce the population of mold and mites. Also, Bleach (1/10) itself destroys molds.
  5. Benzyl benzoate as well as tannic acid, both their solution and their spray are available, which can be used to reduce mites and used periodically every 2 to 3 months. Benzyl benzoate kills mites (prevents their reproduction) and tannic acid destroys the protein structure of mite feces. Mite feces is the most allergenic part of this animal’s body. It is recommended to use both substances once a month. The trade names that are available in the market for these materials, of course, their powder and foam are available. X-Mite, which is tannic acid and Acarosan or Acarex benzyl benzoate.
  6. Although it is better that the patients do not do the cleaning and dusting themselves, the type of vacuum cleaner that is recommended in their homes is the vacuum cleaner that has the ability of HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting). 
    The filter of these devices can be even 0.3 micrometers. (All allergens, even the smallest of which is cat dander, are above 2 micrometers.) These vacuum cleaners and the central model are portable. Seven different layers filter the air and their bag is double-walled to prevent re-flow and even has a layer of charcoal as a pre-filter. Another type of vacuum cleaners (Vacuum Cleaner) is the type that causes the deposition of dust by creating an electric charge and producing ozone and creating an Ionizer layer, which is called an Electronic Precipitator.
    These devices can be inserted into the home’s heating or cooling system. There is a third type of vacuum cleaners that we call the electrostatic model that has a propylene layer and this can also be inserted into the cooling and heating system. Although these vacuum cleaners are expensive, they are very useful for patients in the long run and prevent the worsening of the disease. Mite feces stick to carpets and sheets and cannot be removed even with a regular vacuum cleaner.
  7. Replacing natural plants with artificial flowers. Especially watering these natural plants can lead to the presence of molds that are active all year round. Also, among the grasses and flowers or inside the bird’s nests, basements, cellars, attics, trash cans, some bathrooms and toilets, sewer lines, dishwashers, under refrigerators and coolers, there is mold that needs to be avoided in these areas.
    Important note: old houses are still infected with mold and mites, even if they are cleaned every day. Wherever there is darkness and moisture, there is also mold. In the fall and winter seasons, indoor allergens become more dangerous because the windows are closed, the environment is warm, and the contact time of more people is longer.

In the kitchen, it is recommended to use a hood, to block the light in the kitchen, and not to do some cooking operations

Abstinence outside the home

  1. Not leaving the house in the early morning and evening or when the wind blows.
  2. Using masks with electrostatic filters
  3. Changing clothes quickly, taking a shower, gargling salt water in the mouth and nose after going to the park or places where there is dust or, for example, sweeping the yard.
  4. Using sprays like cromolyn before going to the garden and park.
  5. Closing the windows of the house or car while driving during storms or during pollination of plants (early morning and evening)
  6. Stay away from places where there is a greater risk of contact with allergens. For example, do not enter the grass area when mowing the lawn.
  7. Stimulants such as smoke, dust, cement and other construction materials or places that paint are necessary.
  8. According to your skin test, in order to observe the season more, you need to know that trees pollinate more in spring, grass in summer and weeds in autumn.

Allergy fields

The primary prevention of allergies from the fetal period to the end of life should be taken seriously. especially after the onset of the disease; Because the immunological protector becomes hidden after clinical recovery, but it does not disappear. According to Pedigree and identification of paternal relatives and maternal relatives as well as siblings, in some cases, the probability of allergy in a person can be expressed as a percentage, and if this percentage is significant, the patient needs primary prevention. The purpose of primary prevention is to prevent the barrier from breaking. Allergies and removing settings that cause allergies.

Secondary Prevention

It is meant that after the onset of the disease, the patient should take prevention so that he does not have a new attack. In addition to abstinence and migration, some drugs can also perform secondary prevention. But the best secondary prevention is immunotherapy, which is the most effective form of secondary prevention. In addition to preventing new attacks of the disease, it can bring the immune system to a state before the onset of the disease, which was not caused by brief contact with the symptoms of the disease in normal life.

Tertiary prevention

Cases such as allergy polyps surgery, lung transplantation in asthmatic patients, and if science advances, gene therapy is included in this group.


Migration can be effective in the treatment of allergies, although it is not practical for many people, and of course, migration must cause a change in the place of residence in such a way that the geographical conditions are really different, and another point is that the person’s lifestyle must also change, The new one should have the same eating and clothing habits as before. The effective duration of migration is only limited to the same period of time, although in certain cases, due to physiological changes in the individual’s body, the individual’s allergy may have been eliminated.

Who needs immigration?

  • People whose illness is so severe that their normal life is disturbed.
  • The disease has become permanent.
  • The patient has become sensitive to various allergens and prevention is not possible.
  • To control the symptoms, the drugs have not worked or have caused serious side effects. 5- People who fail in immunotherapy.

Abstinence indoors

  • There is no carpet on the floor of the room and the use of ceramics and parquet. Using a HEPA vacuum cleaner, having enough light and normal humidity.
  • Using chemicals such as Bleach solution to remove fungi and benzyl benzoate and tannic acid to kill mites.
  • Using dacron covers for pillowcases and bedding.
  • Washing everything that can be washed, even the ceiling fan.