Although many people with asthma rely only on medication to prevent and reduce symptoms, nevertheless, these people can take many measures to maintain their health and reduce the possibility of asthma attacks.
Preventing the activation of triggers,
taking measures to reduce exposure to asthma triggers, is the main part of the control process of this disease.
Therefore, the following actions can help:
- Use of an air conditioner : This device reduces the amount of pollen transferred from trees, grass and grass that enters the house.
Also, using an air conditioner will lower the humidity inside the house and reduce exposure to insects such as willows and ticks. If you don’t have such a device, try to keep the windows closed during the pollination season. - Cleaning the decor : You can minimize the amount of dust that causes nighttime asthma symptoms by replacing some bedroom accessories. For example, you can cover the pillows and mattresses with anti-dust covers. Cover with soil. Instead of carpet, use wooden or linoleum flooring, and also use fabric curtains and shutters that can be washed.
- Keep the humidity in your living area at an optimal level : If you live in a humid climate, consult your doctor about using a dehumidifier.
- Preventing the growth of moldy spores: In order to prevent the growth of moldy spores, carefully clean the wet areas in the bathroom, kitchen and around the house. Dispose of moldy leaves or damp wood in the yard.
- Avoiding exposure to animal hair : If you are allergic to animal hair, skin and fur, avoid keeping pets that have fur or feathers. Regular washing or treating these animals also leads to reducing the amount of these substances in the environment.
- Cleaning the house regularly : Clean the house at least once a week, if you think that dust will be raised during this work, use a mask or ask other people to do this work.
- If the environment is cold, cover your mouth and nose : Using a mask can prevent asthma that is exacerbated by contact with cold or dry air.
Staying healthy,
taking care of yourself and treating other asthma-related illnesses will go a long way in controlling the symptoms of this disease.
For example:
- Regular exercise : having asthma does not mean reducing activities. By treating this disease, it is possible to prevent asthma attacks during sports activities and keep its symptoms under control. Regular exercise can strengthen the heart and lungs, which will reduce asthma symptoms. If you do exercises in cold temperatures, you can use a mask to warm the inhaled air.
- Maintaining fitness and having a suitable weight: being overweight can lead to exacerbation of asthma symptoms and in addition lead to an increase in the likelihood of other health-related problems.
- Consuming fruits and vegetables: Consuming large amounts of fruits and vegetables can increase lung function and reduce asthma symptoms. These foods are rich in protective nutrients (antioxidants) that increase the function of the immune system.
- Controlling heartburn and gastric acid reflux disease (GERD): There is a possibility that stomach acid reflux, which leads to heartburn, also causes damage to the airways in the lungs and thus aggravates asthma symptoms. If you have persistent or frequent heartburn, consult your doctor about treatment options. Most likely, you should treat acid reflux disease before reducing asthma symptoms.