After entering the Langerhans or dendritic cells into the lymph nodes, the acquired immunity acts, which have the role of presenting the antigen (allergen) and the acting cells are either T or B. Antibody production can be done with the help of T cells or his help. Unlike digestion and breathing in the skin, the production of antibodies is in the lymph nodes, not the site of inflammation, which reach them through the bloodstream.
In the sweat glands, all 5 classes of immunoglobulin are found, and in the sebaceous glands we have EGA, in the skin we do not produce local IgE (unlike breathing).
Acquired immunity is divided into 4 categories
Antibody-dependent cytotoxicity is mainly caused by EGG1 and EGA, or by fixing complement and secreted EGA as opsonin. Of course, we do not have a problem with congenital EGA defects because it is compensated by secreted IGM.
IGG4 and EGE with the help of T helper 2 and interleukin 4 and 13 lead to allergies. Antibodies against desmosome and hemidesmosome lead to immune blistering diseases of the skin, insect bites, drug reactions and diseases related to eosinophils, and simpler, the same as urticaria, angioedema, and anaphylaxis. There are categories
The formation of immune complex in connective tissue and autoimmune diseases also occurs in the skin, Arthur’s reaction
Cell-dependent cytotoxicity that Manto’s reaction in the tuberculin test and the formation of granuloma in tuberculosis sarcoid and transplant rejection and most importantly contact dermatitis
In the skin, we have functional memory T cells, E and normal T cells, and normal NK cells, but we do not have B and NKT lymphocyte cells.
Antigen-presenting cells in the skin include Langerhans, dendritic cells, and macrophages that activate resident T cells or bring them from the bloodstream because there are strong blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics in the skin.
Neuropeptides of the nervous system play a role in innate and acquired immunity. In the function of induced innate immunity, the operation starts immediately, but in the case of acquisition, it takes a few days for the first time, and if there is a memory at work, one day, and sooner if the memory is repeated a lot.
In acquired immunity according to the type of helper T cell, four pathways can be activated (preferably by looking at allergies)
A: Activation of T Helper1, which is the presence of tollic acid 4 (dendritic cell) and lipopolysaccharide formation of bacteria and the production of interleukin 12 and then normal immunity with the production of EGG, A, M and…
B: The activation of T Helper No. 17, which is a kind of normal route with the help of Interleukin 23, is not well known until today.
C: Activation of T Helper 2, which is caused by the presence of histamine and toll-like 4 from dendritic cells, by switching the action of B cells towards the production of EGE and the production of allergies, and the reduction of the antibacterial activity of keratinocytes (infection on eczema)
The general and old definition of allergy, which is an acquired (new) hyperreactivity to harmless and previously neutral substances that leads to the creation of types of hypersensitivity.
A new and specific definition of allergy, which is a reaction that increases IGI and histamine and increases eosinophils through T Helper2, and the factor that causes this is called an allergen.