1- Healthy people 50 years and older and children 6 months to 5 years
2- People who have chronic cardiopulmonary diseases, diabetes, kidney failure, immune deficiency hemoglobinopathy (including due to medication) or metabolic (for example, diabetes).
3- Children between the ages of 6 months and 18 years who are on long-term aspirin therapy (the risk of Reye’s syndrome in case of influenza).
4- Pregnant women and women who are likely to be pregnant during the flu season.
5- People who are obese. (They have a body mass index of 40 BMI or higher)
6- Influenza vaccine is also recommended for people who can transmit it to high-risk people if they get infected (doctors, nurses, people who work in kindergarten and nursing homes and people who live with a child or a person who is at high risk in case of influenza.