Flu Vaccine

Indications for inactivated (non-live) influenza vaccination:

1- Healthy people 50 years and older and children 6 months to 5 years
2- People who have chronic cardiopulmonary diseases, diabetes, kidney failure, immune deficiency hemoglobinopathy (including due to medication) or metabolic (for example, diabetes).
3- Children between the ages of 6 months and 18 years who are on long-term aspirin therapy (the risk of Reye’s syndrome in case of influenza).
4- Pregnant women and women who are likely to be pregnant during the flu season.
5- People who are obese. (They have a body mass index of 40 BMI or higher)
6- Influenza vaccine is also recommended for people who can transmit it to high-risk people if they get infected (doctors, nurses, people who work in kindergarten and nursing homes and people who live with a child or a person who is at high risk in case of influenza.

People who should not be vaccinated:

1- People who have an acute febrile illness.
2-People who had Guillain-Barré syndrome within 6 weeks after the previous influenza vaccination.
3-Children under 6 months.
4-People who had an allergic reaction to the previous influenza vaccine. People who had a history of severe egg allergy If you need an influenza vaccine, you must go to the equipped centers.
The right time to inject this vaccine is in the months of October and November every year, but any time after that, the vaccination should be done.
After the influenza vaccination, it takes about 2 weeks for most of the protective antibodies to be produced.

How to administer influenza vaccine:

1- For those who are under 8 years of age and receiving the flu vaccine for the first time, two doses of the vaccine should be injected with an interval of one month. A child under the age of 8 years who was vaccinated for the first time last year and received the flu vaccine once this year should receive the vaccine twice with an interval of one month. But a child who received this vaccine once 2 years ago and once the year before needs only one this year.
2- Influenza vaccine dose for children aged 6 months to 3 years is half of the dose for adults. The dose of the vaccine is 0.5 ml from 3 years of age and 0.25 ml for children under 3 years of age.
3- The injection site is in the deltoid muscle and in small children, the anterior side of the thigh.
4- In cases where it is necessary, the influenza vaccine can be administered at the same time as any other vaccine.
5-Do the influenza vaccination injection under the supervision of a doctor.
6-Combination of this year’s influenza vaccine.