In the field of atopy, especially atopic dermatitis, nearly half of them will develop or have this disease, that is, even though they had eczema under 5 years of age, it will return in the eyelids and corneas, 65% of them also have respiratory allergies at the same time, and even if it is permanent, it gets worse seasonally or with certain substances. 1 and 4 are combust and have a high total AJ, they have a positive skin test.
Clinical signs
Chronic and bilateral, both genders equal and above 20 years to 50 years old, the first complaint is very severe itching around the eyes or eyelids, then eye redness and watery discharge, but mostly mucoid (vomiting), photophobia, blurred vision, eye pain, eyelid eczema, conjunctival scar, and subcapsular cataract with special vision problems. After contact with cat fur and dog hair, eyelid eczema and leathery and red swelling of the eyelid, ectropion of the eyelid and complete inability to close the eyes, falling off the end of the eyebrow (madrosis), lateral canthal wound, and the upper eyelid is swollen and pale from the inside, and papillary hypertrophy is seen in the lower eyelid. In the phrenics and symble-feron (adhesion of two conjunctivae from Lead and Globe), the white dots of the transatas in the border of the limus in the field of the corneal gelatinosapetlium becomes a dot, which is the main cause of the vision problem. Iris vividness and anterior subcapsular cataracts and at the bottom of the eye, there is a possibility of retinal detachment, especially after cataract surgery.