Skin inflammation usually shows itself after using a product a few times, while sensitivity shows itself with a delay.
The inflammation is limited to one area, but the sensitivity is spreading.
Sensitivity basically manifests itself in the form of itching, swelling, cracks and severe itching, but inflammation shows itself in the form of burning, stretching, redness and cracks without any itching or a small amount. In cases where inflammation is accompanied by itching, the treatment is quick, but the allergy is slower to recover and may recur.
Soap, shampoo, deodorant, hair removal products, colognes for make-up, anti-aging products that contain AHA or vitamin A lead to skin inflammation and basically due to the use of perfumes and colognes and other products that contain perfume. Yes, hair dye, nail polish, sunscreen, etc. are among the things that cause allergies.
If dermatitis or skin inflammation is seen on the eyelid area, the first reasons that come to mind are such as daily creams, serums, nail polish, perfumes and hair dyes, and in the case of lip eczema, the oil in lipsticks The name Peru is the main reason.