It should be known that the amazing phenomena of allergy, which is a branch of immunology, was mentioned for the first time in the Bible, according to BACK, and the spring cold was mentioned by Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Zakariya Razi in the year 251-313 AH/854-935 AD.
For the first time in the medical history of the world, this wise sage describes the occurrence of allergies in the spring due to smelling roses or musk in a treatise (Mali Malik Library No. 4574) Seyyed Ismail Jarjani died 531 AH/1135 AD some plants from the family Haya considers foxes and others to be the cause of spring colds, and in his famous book called “Khwarazmshahi Repository”, book 6, chapter 10, he has a chapter called “Influenza and its causes, signs and treatment” which discusses spring colds in detail.
Among western scientists, J. Bostock (1773-1846) first discussed Summer Catarrh in the Royal Medical Society of London, and the research of his experiences was devoted to the famous Hay Fever term for spring colds.
The word allergy was first used by Celmens Von Pirquet (1874-1924) in 1906, and the word atopy was applied to people with allergies by Coca and Cooke in 1923.
Prausnitz and Kustner, who was allergic to fish, invented passive transfer in allergy, which is known as the PK test.
For the first time, Johnsson and Bennich from Sweden discovered the existence of an immunoglobulin that is involved in allergy phenomena and was known as IgND, but at the same time and independently in 1966, Kimishige Ishizaka and Teruko discovered the existence of this same immunoglobulin, which became known as IgE, which The RIST method can be measured and its value increases in allergic and parasitic diseases, and this immunoglobulin plays a sensitive role in allergy mechanisms.